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  • 蛇系统--几何有机形状城市家具系统图片
  • Snake Sytem is a Urban furniture system that intends to generate a dialog between users or public around it. This product will need to be placed in a transitional space, where it will increase the probability of triggering interaction between its users while resting. The system its conformed by 2 pieces that are modular independent and between them:. * Body. By roating the piece 180 degrees its posible to change the resting surface. * Curve. The shape complements the body and gives de system a feeling of movement. . The geometric but organic shape looks as if it was a frozen motion image of a snake movement, a very representative animal in Mexican culture. Its subtle curves give a visual impact contrasting the background space. Designed to be modular, it is possible to create a connection between one another to an infinite number, so it can fit diffferent needs and spaces.. Snake system gives a new sthetic to urban furniture and a different experience to its user, the rather playful and casual feeling it expresses will provide extra comfort for the users to easily communicate or socialize with others..
  • 蛇系统--几何有机形状城市家具系统---酷图编号1
  • 蛇系统--几何有机形状城市家具系统---酷图编号2
  • 蛇系统--几何有机形状城市家具系统---酷图编号3
  • 蛇系统--几何有机形状城市家具系统---酷图编号4
  • 图片信息简介:蛇系统--几何有机形状城市家具系统·图片编号为907116,上传时间为2011-12-08 13:28:46,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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