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  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏图片
  • I paint objects and the human figure in situations taken from everyday life. My focus is on imperfect objects observed in moments of rest. I am interested in the timelessness of these bits and pieces of life and in beauty found in unexpected places, intrigued by the interconnectedness of all things. I take objects out of context and make them monumental. Structure, surface and content are primary concerns, my tools being color, light and form. I paint in oils, acrylic and egg tempera, on linen or wood panel. I work slowly, often using glazes: transparent layers of paint thinned with a medium, which build color and depth layer by layer. I work on one piece at a time. As I work, the forms and colors develop slowly, almost independently. Sometimes what emerges is unexpected. My paintings are mementoes of the journey I have made. They are testimonies to myself; my images find me, and I recognize myself in my painting. In my work, I explore the imagined inner life of familiar objects, the secret dialogue that takes place between them.
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号1
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号2
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号3
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号4
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号5
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号6
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号7
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号8
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号9
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号10
  • Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏---酷图编号11
  • 图片信息简介:Patricia Glee Smith:作品欣赏·图片编号为904212,上传时间为2011-08-04 01:51:53,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。
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